11:18 AM
Marker is a thin paper which contains all necessary pattern pieces for all sizes for a particular style of garments in which that fabric wastage would be least. The representation or drawing of the arrangement of identified garments pattern pieces relevant to the cutting of a batch of material. The marker is placed on the material and provides guidance for cutting. Marker may be on fabric, paper card, held in computer data files. Maker width is equal to the minimum fabric width and its length depends on the no of pattern sizes that will be drawn.

Marker Efficiency

The ratio of area for pattern pieces that are placed on the marker to the total area of the marker expressed as percentage is called marker efficiency.


Marker efficiency is determined by fabric utilization, the percentage of the total fabric that is actually used in garment parts. The area not used in garment parts is waste. Marker efficiency depends on how tightly the pattern pieces fit together within the marker. The total surface area of the pattern pieces is compared to the total area of the marker to calculate the percentage of fabric that is used. This is determined automatically by marker-planning software.



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